1. Basic Policy on Information Disclosure
Kaken Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (“KAKEN”) will disclose corporate information to its stakeholders in a fair, timely and appropriate manner as stated in “KAKEN's Activity Principles and Guidelines” and “KAKEN's Code of Conduct.”
KAKEN will ensure management transparency and increase corporate value through fair, timely and appropriate disclosure of corporate information and communication with its stakeholders.
2. Information for Disclosure
KAKEN will disclose corporate information in a fair, timely and appropriate manner in accordance with the statutory disclosure system based on the relevant laws such as the Companies Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Timely Disclosure Rules set forth by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
In addition, KAKEN will actively disclose the information that may affect investment decisions of its stakeholders, even if it is not subject to either statutory disclosure or timely disclosure requirements.
3. Methods of Disclosure
KAKEN will disclose information through the TDnet (Timely Disclosure network), press releases, and our corporate website.
4. Quiet Period
In order to prevent leaks of financial information and to ensure fairness in its disclosure, KAKEN will define the period from the next day of the end of each quarter to the day of its financial announcement of the quarter as the “Quiet Period.”
During the Quiet Period, KAKEN will refrain from making any comments and responding to any questions related to financial information.
However, if an earnings forecast is expected to significantly change during the Quiet Period, KAKEN will disclose the information in a timely and appropriate manner. KAKEN will also respond to the questions regarding the information that has already been released even during the Quiet Period.
5. Disclosure of Future Prospects
The information pertaining to the future prospects, such as earnings forecasts, is based on the information available at the time of disclosure and includes uncertainties.
6. Kaken Disclosure Committee
KAKEN has formed the “Disclosure Committee” chaired by person responsible for handling of information and deliberates and decides on information disclosure.
Established on March 1, 2018